Monday, November 28, 2011

cannelle et vanille

styling and photography by Aran Goyoaga

Have you seen the blog Cannelle et Vanille by writer, stylist and photographer Aran Goyoaga? Oh my goodness, is it ever beautiful.  Aran's  photos transport you to wherever she has her camera turned.  I was surprised while looking at Aran's blog to spot a couple of Elephant Ceramic pieces that she bought at one of my online sales!  Aran is currently writing and photographing her first cookbook, which will be published by Little Brown & Company in the fall of 2012.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

chinese magazine LOHAS

I just received a copy of the current issue of LOHAS magazine in the mail.  Several months ago the editor, Sofia, emailed me and asked if I would like to do an interview for their November issue.  I knew little about the magazine except for the beautiful articles she sent me as examples of her stories.  LOHAS is a gorgeous magazine with an amazing variety of stories.  They cover fashion, food, lifestyle, travel, craft, art and the best part.....they have stories about people and their animals!  I've included some of them below.  One seems to be about a woman who raises foxes...wait until you see the photos below!  If only I read Chinese I would have to subscribe to LOHAS!  Thank you Sophia and LOHAS for featuring Elephant Ceramics in your magazine. Thank you Philip Ficks, Jennifer Causey (the Makers Project) and Heather Chontos for allowing the use of your images!  Now if you love animals, as I do, then continue scrolling...

whole living

photos by Johnny Miller

Elephant Ceramics is in the November 2011 issue of Martha Stewart's Whole Living magazine! The story "Thanksgiving Sides" was styled by the very talented interiors, and prop, stylist Cindy DiPrima.  Thank you, Cindy, Johnny and Whole Living .....the images are gorgeous!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

sneak peak for Thursday's update!

Here are a few of the pieces that will be in my shop update on Thursday.  This time around I decided to do a few more sets than usual.  Here you can see that I have platters combined with bowls, and sets of bowls.  Something else that is new are salt cellars, which will be sold in pairs. One can be used for salt, and the other for ground pepper.  Or, if you are having a dinner party you can set them at either end of the table!  

Monday, November 7, 2011

online SHOP update, november 10th 7pm

photo by philip ficks

I spent time in Maine this summer renting studio space at the Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts.  I had seven lovely weeks to work in a beautiful rural setting, with lots of space.
Some of that time was spent developing new glaze recipes for my work including a range of deep turquoise and shades of teal.  I am also working with a super dark chocolate brown stoneware clay that looks gorgeous glazed in these colors.  On thursday, November 10th at 7pm (EST) I will be updating my shop with a bunch of new pieces.  I have over 40 pieces for sale, and I've put a few of them together in sets....they are just meant to be together! Over the next couple of days I will post some of the items for sale in a little sneak peak on my blog.  I hope you find something you like!