photos by Erin Little
I love entertaining and nothing is more satisfying than happy guests. My husband and I had long wanted to make a porchetta. We have been buying half a pig from our farmer friends in South Bristol for the past half dozen years, or so. This time we asked for the pork belly to be left in one large piece in anticipation of making a porchetta. The belly is then wrapped around a pork loin and seasoned with fennel seeds, fresh sage, fresh rosemary, garlic and thin slices of orange. We used a recipe from Bon Appetit that I had ripped out of the magazine three years ago! We served it with buttery mashed potatoes, sauteed cabbage and apple sauce. When our friends, and guests, remarked that the meal felt very much like a Thanksgiving dinner I felt sure our dinner was a success! Dessert brought by our guests included a delicious apple cake, and a stunning triple layer pumpkin cake (seen in the last image above.) If you would like the recipe it is here. Also, take a look at photographer, Erin Little's new blog series called Monday's Meal where she featured our porchetta!